About Us

Discover the benefits of EuropeHair Center. EUROPE’s Best Hair Transplant Center

We have been understanding you for 20 years

In 2000s,Europe Hair Center went into action to avoid all the problems arise from hair-loss and increase people’s life qualities. It has become a leader Hair Transplant Center in Europe with a modern basis and an innovative service understanding.

Owing to our fast-growing system, first of all Professional Hair Transplant applications then;

  • Eyebrow transplant
  • Beard and moustache transplant
  • Hair mesotherapy
  • Hair transplant with FUE technique
  • Hair transplant with DHI Method

Treatments for alopecia, transplant to burnt fields have been added to our services.

Besides our domestic patients, IHC has contributed to our country’s health tourism and made our country stand out by having patients from abroad.

Latest Technologic Applications

We have worked so much to serve our thousands of male and female patients in best way and to find permanent solutions. We have spent so much time with our expert doctors at full-fledged hospitals, which use modern technologies, and we have covered a lot of ground.

We provided the latest technologies used in the world for our country. Thus, encouraged patients, who were thinking of going abroad, to have their transplantation operations at IHC. Moreover, servicing abroad patients; contributed our country’s economy.

Over 21.000 Hair Transplant

Being the best has never been enough for us. Doing the perfect and being in the process of progression have always described us better. At least that’s how our patients express. Our patients, who have experienced the professional quality of our service, and their satisfaction have always supported us therefore we have accomplished thousands of operations.

Positive Treatment Process

We have always given priority to our precious patients’ requests and helped them to choose the best option in their treatment processes. We know that success rate of treatment is directly proportional to patient’s comfort and happiness. That’s the reason we listen and care about your demands.

We have made the services more understandable by preparing comprehensive videos and providing information for our patients, who want to have their hair transplant operation in Europe but feeling concerned and scared before the hair transplant operation.

Have you decided yet?

When you feel ready, you can consult an expert and discover the option which is best for you.

Please be sure that, most of our patients have a common word “I wish I had known Europe Hair Center earlier”. We would be pleased to see you among us.

Europe Hair Center Family / We are here to help you!